Medical Slovak

In the Phase 2 course, you will learn basic medical terminology that will allow you to comfortably communicate with colleagues and patients.
iCan — accredited language school


Slovak language course for foreign doctors
For doctors
You will learn basic medical terminology in Slovak
Slovak language course for foreign dentists
For dentists
You will learn the main topics of communication between healthcare professional and colleagues
Slovak language course for foreign pharmacists
For pharmacists
You will improve the skills of medic's communication with patients
Slovak language course for foreign nurses
For nurses
You will master the knowledge you need to find a workplace in Slovakia


The course consists of 10 topics,
which cover basic medical terminology and communication topics of
health professionals with colleagues and patients.


Course start
We start in the spring to have time to prepare for the autumn exam, and in the fall to prepare well for the spring exam.
Without long preliminaries, we join ZOOM and start.
Twice per week
18:00 - 19:00
Days of classes are being specified.
Intensive online classes in small groups.
You will study according to a specially designed program and, thanks to the high concentration of many years of teaching experience, and your efforts, you will be as ready for the exam as possible.
The course uses tests in the MOODLE program. In the same program, tests are carried out at exams at universities. As part of the final test, you will answer 30 multiple-choice questions, gain an understanding of your level of knowledge and identify weaknesses for self-review of the material.
Next stage
The knowledge gained at the course should be enough for you to find a job and to comfortably communicate with colleagues and patients. If you have more ambitious goals, then we are waiting for you at the course
Slovak language for doctors. Phase 3.


Course start
We start in the spring to have time to prepare for the autumn exam, and in the fall to prepare well for the spring exam.
Without long preliminaries, we join ZOOM and start.
Twice per week
18:00 - 19:00
Days of classes are being specified.
Intensive online classes in small groups.
You will study according to a specially designed program and, thanks to the high concentration of many years of teaching experience, and your efforts, you will be as ready for the exam as possible.
The course uses tests in the MOODLE program. In the same program, tests are carried out at exams at universities. As part of the final test, you will answer 30 multiple-choice questions, gain an understanding of your level of knowledge and identify weaknesses for self-review of the material.
Next stage
The knowledge gained at the course should be enough for you to find a job and to comfortably communicate with colleagues and patients. If you have more ambitious goals, then we are waiting for you at the course
Slovak language for doctors. Phase 3.
600 € *


The cost
of the course
Payment for 80 hours of classes.
* The opportunity to receive a refund of up to 100% of the cost of the course when applying before the start of the course to use funds from IOM, EURES or the support program from local governments. **
** Applications for using public funds are accepted no later than 3 weeks before the start of the course.
We help with the application.
The course Phase 2 assumes knowledge of the Slovak language at the A2 level.
If your level is lower, pay attention to the course Phase 1.
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